Languages | iinfo TZANEEN

By Ryan
12 May 2020
Ja, daar is hard gewerk en Tzaneeners is aangemoedig om te stem vir Tzaneen as Kwela se Dorp van die Jaar 2020 en sowaar ons het dit weer ‘n keer reggekry om gekies te word as Limpopo se finalis – WELGEDAAN aan almal wat bygedra het om ons...
By Heather Mason
30 Jul 2019

The Tsonga Kraal Open-Air Museum is a full-sized model of a Tsonga village, depicting the homestead of a real Tsonga chief — Muti Va Mutsonga — his eight wives, and his children. This homestead still existed as late as the1970s near the town of...

By Marinda Thomas
19 Jan 2016

Languages spoken in the area consist as follows:
Afrikaans  41.5%
Northern Sotho 18.1%
Tsonga 13.5%
English 13.3%
Other 13.5%

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