Markets | iinfo TZANEEN

By Ryan
12 May 2020
Ja, daar is hard gewerk en Tzaneeners is aangemoedig om te stem vir Tzaneen as Kwela se Dorp van die Jaar 2020 en sowaar ons het dit weer ‘n keer reggekry om gekies te word as Limpopo se finalis – WELGEDAAN aan almal wat bygedra het om ons...
By Mesché Meijer
25 Jul 2017

The magnificent Mina's Neighbourhood Market is held at Mina’s farm venue and art café which is situated in the beautiful Magoebaskloof Mountains.
Art, food and fun lovers must come and join in and enjoy a fun-filled day with...

By Amy Leo
11 Jun 2015

Joseph Baloyi, local musician, brought a breath of fresh air to one of the recently held social markets at Dei Gratia Restaurant! Clients enjoyed their meals to the tune of 'I did it my way', 'Pink Panther', 'Killing me softly', 'Somewhere over...

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