Big 5 Trail Week
29 DEC 2017 - 3 JAN 2018
This event will ensure that you exit the old year without losing speed and hit the new year running! The biennial BIG 5 Trail Week is centred on the picturesque town of Haenertsberg in the Limpopo province of South Africa. From here participants travel to different locations for the day's activity. For most days there are long and short distances.
1 January 2018 is a day of rest and recovery, before the last two days of the Big 5 are tackled!
* Enter all 5 days or each individual day
* Choice of Long or Short distance on each day
* Total distance of 80km (Long) and 48km (Short) over 5 days
* Format is solo
* Water points will be provided on any distance 12km and longer.
* Race walkers welcome but must be prepared for the distance and elevation on each day! No cut-off times.
* 5 different running areas and terrains: bushveld game reserve, pine, and redwood forests, indigenous bush, university campus!
* You will need to drive to a different start/finish area every day.
* Run in the morning, relax with family and friends in the afternoon, enjoying outings in the superb tourism and adventure hubs that the Haenertsburg and Magoesbaskloof areas are.
* A rest day on 01 January 2018 to nurse your hang-over!
* Accommodation: must be booked by yourself.
Visit www.magoebasklooftourism.co.za for options in the area.
* Buy meal tickets for the 3 social events: Welcome evening, Braai evening and Final banquet. Family and friends welcome.
* Entry fee is R1250 for all 5 days or R250 per day
* Entry fee includes race #, a race t-shirt if entered by 1-Oct, a route map for every day, a race memento, medical stand-by and water / refreshment points.
* Registration in Haenertsburg the afternoon before Day 1 or on the morning of each race.
* Compulsory gear: Space blanket, Whistle, Water bottle or bladder with sufficient hydration to get you to the finish. In case of poor weather, a Windproof jacket will also be compulsory as Days 2, 3 and 4 are run in areas renowned for "mountain weather".
Breakdown of days:
Day 1: Turfloop Nature Reserve - 10km for both the Long and Short
Day 2: Wolkberg - 20km long race and 10km short race
Day 3: Iron Crown - 15km long race and 8km short race
Day 4: Woodbush Forest, home to the tallest planted trees in the world and the tallest trees in Africa. Magoebaskloof - 27km for the long and 12km for the short.
Day 5: Polokwane - 8km for the long and short
* Contact person: Nicholas on 082-898-7871 or nicholas@bigfive-o.co.za
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