Jukani is the home of rescued predators and other wildlife where the focus is on conservation and education, specifically on the plight of predators both in captivity and in the wild all over the world. At Jukani you can see most of the larger cats such as lion, Bengal and Siberian tiger, jaguar, leopard, cheetah, puma, caracal and serval together with rarer species such as white lions and tigers and black leopard.The sanctuary is also home to other predators such as African wild dog, hyena, jackal, honey badger and zorilla together with other wildlife such as zebra, springbuck, raccoons and a variety of species of snake. Unlike some other facilities, the cats here do not breed and cubs are not removed from their mothers to be ‘cuddled’ by visitors. These cubs often end their days as trophy hunter’s prey. Jukani is a sanctuary, a place of refuge where the wildlife is treated with respect and protected from hunting and other dangers in safe and natural surroundings.
The South African Animal Sanctuary Alliance, a non-profit organization (PBO No. 200/060 667/08) is the sole custodian of all the animals at Jukani, and therefore their future is secured. Jukani is funded by means of responsible eco-tourism and strives to achieve an effective balance between conservation and economic reality.
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