Letaba Herald | iinfo TZANEEN

Die Herald-groep koerante bestaan al vir meer as 60 jaar en is vandag steeds die toonaangewendste bron van plaaslike nuus in die Mopani- en Groter Tzaneen distrikte, wat strek vanaf Haenertsburg tot by Giyani, Phalaborwa en Hoedspruit.

Die groep spog met vier weeklikse koerant titels, Letaba Herald, Mopani Herald, Phalaborwa Herald en Hoedspruit Herald met ʼn weeklikse sirkulasie van meer as 16 000 kopieë. Die Herald-groep besit ook die baie gewilde webblad, letabaherald.co.za wat sowat 250 000 besoeke maandeliks kry.

Herald het kantore op Tzaneen, Phalaborwa en het korrespondente in al die groot dorpe in die streek.

All four Herald publications are fully accredited with the Media Council and adheres to the Council’s Code of Ethics. They are also fully accredited with SPARK Media, which is the leading print media national advertising agency in South Africa, with representation at all advertising and media agencies in the country.

Our publications are the preferred media outlet in the Mopani region for major retailers such as Pick ’n Pay, Game, Checkers Shoprite, Clicks and a variety of others.

The Herald group forms part of Caxton CTP Publishers and printers which is a Top-100 JSE listed company and owns the largest amount of newspapers and magazines in South Africa. Despite this enormous backing, the Herald group is still very much a local company that operates as a standalone business within the communities it serves. 

015 590 4400
015 590 4400
26 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850
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