Selati Roof Trusses | iinfo TZANEEN

Die maatskappy is op 19 Februarie 1963 gestig. Die maatskappy, wat aanvanklik begin is as 'n hardeware winkel in Phalaborwa, het in die vroeë tagtigerjare gediversifiseer en dakkapfabrieke oopgemaak. Deesdae is Selati 'n gerekende naam in die dakkapbedryf.

In December 2000 the Selati Group purchased the Mondi De Hoek Sawmill in the picturesque Magoebaskloof, approximately 23km’s out of Tzaneen towards Haenertsburg. This was a strategic move to compliment the roof truss factory and to ensure that there is a consistent supply of high quality SABS graded structural timber.

Die dakkapaanleg is geleë, in Tzaneen se ou industriële gebied.

Vision & Mission

Selati se personeel is van onskatbare waarde vir die maatskappy en word dus gereken as die belangrikste bate. Gelukkige personeel verseker dat die maatskappy kliënte bekom en deurentyd tevrede stel. Dit is regdeur die proses duidelik - vanaf die koste-effektiewe dak ontwerp regdeur die produksie proses tot by die eindproduk, administrasie en afhandeling van die projek. Die maatskappy moedig ook voortgesette opleiding vir die personeel aan.

The company strives to deliver high quality and good value for money products and services to its clients.With approximately 30 years of experience in the industry we are familiar with the specific needs of its customers.

015 307 3715
015 307 3715
9 Rietbok Street, Tzaneen, 0850
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Selati Roof Trusses, Your Communication Team, Associated Products & Services, Accredited Affiliates, De Hoek Sawmill, Patryspan, Affiliates, Selati, Roof trusses, Selati de hoek Sawmill, Mondi De Hoek Sawmill, SABS Graded Structural Timber, Roofing Timber, Roof Trusses, Selati Dakkappe, Selati Grade Brandering, Selati Grade Purlin, Selati Grade Rafter, Selati Grade Kappa, Selati Grade Beam, Selati Grade Super Beam, SABS Grade Brandering, SABS Grade Purlin, SABS Grade Rafter, SABS Grade Kappa, SABS Grade Beam, SABS Grade Super Beam, Roofing Service, Building & Construction

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