Marketing quality fruit from across the globe, Westfalia Fruit boasts a vertically-integrated supply chain that has secured the Group a reputation as one of world‘s leading avocado suppliers. Retail and wholesale customers are serviced from sales offices in the Netherlands, England (Greencell), France (Comexa), Austria, California, Colombia, Peru (Camet Trading, Incavo), Chile (Agricom) and South Africa. Sophisticated ripening facilities in many of these locations undergo regular expansion and upgrading to ensure an uninterrupted supply of custom-ripened fruit to fulfil customer expectations.
Similarly, Westfalia‘s 2000-plus hectares of avocado orchards in Africa, the Americas and Europe are being strategically expanded and supplemented with new plantings in other countries across the globe.
Full accreditation to meet local market requirements is non-negotiable, with Westfalia benchmarking itself against the highest possible standards. Additionally, the Group is committed to the sustainable and responsible management of its bio-resources and the communities and environment in which it operates.

Westfalia Fruit Estates, Farm Products, Avocado, Tomatoes, Timber, Animals, Mangoes, Bannanas, Oranges, Fruit, Vegetables, Westfalia Fruit, Export, Fruit & Veg