Eugene’s journey started more or less 18 years ago in the Leaf spring industry after working for a company as a sales rep, he wanted to start his own company then in 2006 he decided to go into partnership, things were a little rocky between him and his partner and by the end of 2006 the partnership did not work out and Eugene was on his own. Eugene has worked very hard to get this far. He has excellent knowledge in his field.
Here is just a little more about what exactly it is that Eugene does at T&T Springs.
Everything tends to get saggy with old age; some things need repairs while others need replacement. Leaf spring suspension, fortunately, can be repaired rather than replaced.
After many years of repairing leaf springs, Eugene can tell from looking at them how much bending leaf springs will need to get straightened out. When the springs are put together, Eugene can check them for the correct shape by putting a steel bar across the ends and measuring the spring height, he has a pretty good idea of what they should look like without measuring them. - just through his hand-eye coordination and years of experience.
Below is a short list of the services we offer:
* New Leaf spring for bakkies, Trucks, busses.
* Components, Bushes, Center bolts, U-Bolts, Hangers.
* New coils springs for cars, kombis, compression and tensioning coils.
* Repairs to leaf spring and reinforcement.
* Special requirements on request.
* Specialize in trailer parts
For fun Eugene also likes to go on 4x4 trips and is happy to take clients out on special request.

T & T Springs | iinfo Tzaneen