Entertainment | iinfo TZANEEN

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Business Tel condition Email
Carpe Diem Art Gallery 082 925 4385
Club Steelworx 015 306 0220 clubsteelworx@gmail.com
Die Mancave 083 381 9015 andrevisagiemusic@gmail.com
DJ Craig 078 663 5556 angiewoodward@gmail.com
DJ Kian 061 365 7017 info@djkian.co.za
DJ Vegas SA 060 306 7177 vegasmuzik.co@gmail.com
Dramatics Drama Academy 079 126 7749 lizemalan@yahoo.com
Harsca Photography & Videography 082 472 7455 mayingana@me.com
Jolly Jumpers Tzaneen 072 512 4866 me.hoon@gmail.com
Jumping Castles Tzaneen 076 863 1641 jumpingcastlestzaneen@gmail.com
Limpopo Markets Magoebas 079 845 0707 magoebasmarket@gmail.com
Mangela Tea Garden & Animal Touch Farm 083 987 7717 mangelateagarden@gmail.com
Oasis Pub & Grill 083 274 8557
On The Rocks Bar & Grill 084 272 8535 officialontherocks08@gmail.com
Ricky Louw Pitstop Dop & Tjop 061 569 3621
Safari Pub & Grill 063 860 5185 safaripubandgrill@gmail.com
Saffron Art Studio & Gallery 082 708 6589 belindasch0309@outlook.com
Soundmaster 071 547 5560 ferdiesound@yahoo.com
Stasie 015 004 1414 admin@jetvest.africa
Sunset Queen House Boat 083 284 5163
The Iron Crown Pub & Bistro 083 254 6679 info@ironcrownpub.co.za
The Pot 'n Plow (Magoebaskloof) 082 691 5790 thepotandplow@gmail.com
Tiny Town Tzaneen 082 756 0535 izel@tinytowntzaneen.co.za
Travel Buggz 082 908 7125 sandy@travelbuggz.co.za
Tzaneen Lion and Predator Park 076 991 1111 info@letabariverlodge.co.za
Vatvas Dansorkes 079 700 5743 info@livemusic-bands.co.za
Vegas Muzik 060 306 7177 vegasmuzik.co@gmail.com
Vintage met ń Twist 072 898 4488 riekiedj@gmail.com
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